Company Type Registered Private Entrepreneur
Company Name gettalong EDV-Dienstleistungen e.U.
Address Gregorygasse 16/20/20.03, 1230 Vienna, Austria
Owner DI (FH) Thomas Leitner BSc.
Registration number FN 487363 k
VAT ATU73308468
Place of Jurisdiction Commercial Court of Vienna
Regulator Magistratisches Bezirksamt des III. Bezirkes
Line of Business IT Services
Trade Regulation Act
Membership Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna

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I have researched and created the published content with utmost care. However, I cannot guarantee the contents’ completeness or accuracy.

I have no control over the contents of external links. Therefore the responsibility lies completely with the operators of the linked websites. At the time of linking I found no evident violations. If I’m informed of any violations, I will remove the respective link immediately.

Online Purchase of Licenses

The order process is conducted by the online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all orders done via this website and provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.